
rk feel well? Did mark Fea wel MPLETE THE TEXT WITH THE VERBS IN PARENTHESES IN SIMP Last month I (1) went (go) to Pachuca with my cousin. We (2) mc (meet) the bus stop at 10:30 a.m. Our bus (3) ICF (leave) at 10:00 a.m. n the afternoon, we (4) bought (buy) some presents for our parents. After w (have) lunch in a Chinese restaurant. Later, we (6) Saw (see) a com t the movies. We (7) got (get) home at 08:30 pm. We (8) werC (be) r (be) a beautiful day. red but very pleased because that (9). E "C" IF THE SENTENCE IS CORRECT OR "I" IF THE SENTE ECT. REWRITE THE INCORRECT SENTENCES . the cinema last night.​