
Ayudara porfaaa
A. Read about Pamela's family:

Pamela is 8 years old and lives in Boston. She has an older brother named Steven who is 10 years old. Pamela's father is 40 years old and he is called Paul. Her mother is 37 years old and she is called Lily. Paul has a younger sister named Monica who is 36 years old. Monica lives with her husband Adam and their baby son Charlie. Pamela's grandmother is called Susan and her grandfather is called Thomas. They live in Florida in an apartment.

B. Questions: Answer in Short Sentences

1. What is Pamela's brother called?

2. How old is her brother? 3. What is Pamela's mother called?

4. Who has a younger sister?

5. How is Charlie related to Pamela?

6. Where do her grandparents live?

7. How old is Pamela's aunt?

8. Who is Pamela's grandmother?

C. Family vocabulary Review

1. Your father's sister is your

2. Your grandfather's wife is your

3. Your mother's brother is your

4. Your sister's daughter is your

5. Your mother's father is your

6. Your uncle's son is your

D. Draw a family tree of one side of your family. Label each person with their name and relationship to you.​

Ayudara porfaaaA Read about Pamelas familyPamela is 8 years old and lives in Boston She has an older brother named Steven who is 10 years old Pamelas father is class=