I. Read and Respond. 2 BACKGROUND KOSMIC SOLUTION When Travis Stout was born, he had a muscular problem with his arms and legs which made it impossible for him to get around without the aid of an $ adult. Travis's parents talked the problem over with his doctors, but they could offer no way to help him get over his illness. But Travis is very independent and his parents began to look into other ways for solving the 10 problem . Finally, when Travis was. eight years old, they came across an organization called "Canine Companions for Independence". This organization trains dogs to look after disabled people and it picked out a yellow Labrador called Kosmic for Travis. Kosmic had come trough an intensive two-year training period and she could already understand a fantastic 89 different commands when she first came into Travis's life. 15 20 That trained dogs usually go with adults, who maybe don't want to have so much fun for Travis!) Now Travis and Kosmic do everything together , including 30 sleeping together. They games together, especially hide-and- also play seek: it's always Travis who hides and Kosmic who looks for him (and she always manages to find him). 35 Kosmic opens doors for Travis and picks things up when he drops them. She turns lights on for him (or turn them off) and she helps him to get up when he falls down which he does 40 frequently. And, naturally, Kosmic goes 45 wasn't enough for Travis, who has taught her several more special es commands such as "snuggle up". (The 50 to school with Travis. But studying in Lone área where she can't help him, so she sleeps quietly in the classroom. But at recess the go out together to a special part of the playground to play and when they come in, Travis is ready to study again enjoying his independence thanks to his friend, Kosmic. Words from context Find phrasal verbs in the text which mean the same as these words. 1. Move get around 2. Discuss 3. Recuperate 4. Investigate 5. Encounter 6. Care for 7. Select 8. Complete 9. Enter 10. Accompany Find Phrases in the text which are the opposite of these: ⚫´Hide Drop Turn on Fall down Come in II. Write a summary of the story. Kosmic Solution.​