Years ago, (0) in the days when I was just a kid, my family used to have Sunday picnics together in a (1)..... part of the countryside. We would find a suitably quiet and pleasant (2)...... then spend several hours chatting, eating and playing games in the (3)..... air. Since then, though, my parents' life has become so much busier and they never seem to have the time for (4)...... family meals any more. In my (5) ..... this is a great pity, so I've recently started to organise picnics of my (6)..... I get in touch with some of my closest friends and first we (7)..... on a suitable place to go. Then we talk about who'll bring which food. This (8) that there will be a variety of tasty things to eat, particularly (9)..... everyone makes the meals they do best. It's important, though, to keep the food simple, as everything has to (10)..... into a backpack and then be carried across fields and up river valleys. When we finally (11)..... our destination, it's time to sit down, relax and enjoy each other's company. And I'm (12)..... certain that food tastes far better on a picnic than anywhere else!