gr 1. He wanted 2. They asked grammarism 3. For a moment my 4. He her for the mother of his children. (want) ammarism me to go and see them. (ask) arammanism courage failed me. (fail) to do so till his death. (continue) grammarism grammarism 5. She now _full into his face. (look) 6. Then she _ in her mother's room. (appear) ammanism 7. It marism 8. But she _to reach us, but could not. (try) _too late for this. (arrive) grammarism 9.1 gramm 10. He _for a moment or two. (wait) marism grammarism _to him to stop a moment. (call) 11. Her father _through the door again. (call grammarism 12. It to have done its work. (seem) 13. marism gr 14. He _them with my eyes through the crowd. (follow) _to his country and gra marism _there. (return) (die) grammansm​