Part 2 For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). How fault is determined in a winter accident When (0) AN.. insurance company determines fault, all circumstances of the accident are reviewed. This includes things (9) skids (10) inclement weather or bad road conditions. For example, if your car a patch of ice and hits a tree, you may feel it is the road and not the driver at fault. Unfortunately, insurance companies believe that it is the driver's responsibility to keep the vehicle under control no matter what the road conditions. Although no driver can be expected to control (11) weather, they must take extra precautions when driving in these conditions in order to avoid an accident. In the past, insurance companies were always responsible for determining who were at fault and this is why some months (12) .... ..., the Parliament approved the creation of a law called 'Fault Determination Rules'. This law was created to protect people who spend (13) a lot of money on car insurance and are not paid to repair their cars in spite of feeling that the accident was not their fault. This has (14) insurance is a waste (15) highly beneficial for both parts as people no longer feel that having car money and, as a result, insurance companies have improved their sales. However, it is not recommended to entirely trust insurance companies, so saving money (16) repair your car. a rainy day might be a good idea, because you may need it if you unexpectedly have to

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