Alguien que me pueda ayudar a resolver estos dos ejercicios de fisica

1. A stretched string of length & is observed to vibrate in five equal segments when driven by a 630 Hz oscillator. What oscillator frequency will set up a statuling wave so that the string vibeates in three segments

2. A steel wire with mass 25.0 g and length 1.35 m is strung on a haas so that the distance from the nut to the bridge is 1.10 m. (a) Compute the linear density of the string. (b) What veloc ity wave on the string will produce the desired fundamental frequency of the E_{1} string, 41.2 Hz (c) Calculate the ten- sion required to obtain the proper frequency (d) Calculate the wavelength of the string's vibration. (e) What is the wave length of the sound produced in air? (Assume the speed of sound in air is 343 m/s.)