Wonders Directions: Read each sentence and underline the dependent clause. Example A: For the first time, I successfully passed all my classes. Answer: For the first time, I successfully passed all my classes. 1. In the morning, I went for a jog. 2. For the last time, I will take the field. 3. After the game, we went out for pizza. 4. Although I left, I did not remember my roots. 5. Since he was not there, I was quite upset. 6. Wherever we are, it is the right place to be. 7. Even though I am tired, I will give my best effort. 8. Although we won, I was not satisfied with my performance. 9. While I was waiting, I saw a meteor overhead. 10. Before the movie, I went to the snack bar. 11. After the play, we went to eat ice cream. 12. Unless he shows, I will have to do all the work. aw READIN​

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