
Luke: Guess What? Yesterday 1 (found/find) a check for $3000 dollars. Isabel: Really? And what (do/did) you do? Luke: The bank was right across the street, so I (return/returned) the check there. I don't know If 1 (do/did) the right thing. If you (were was) in my situation, what would you (do/did )? Isabel: I would (return/returned) the check as well. If 1 (lose/lost) my wallet I would (expect/expected) to have it back. We have to put ourselves in the other person's shoes. Luke: That's true! Can you imagine what you could (did/do) with that money? Isabel: Well, if I had $3000 dollars I would probably (buy/bought) a cellphone. What would you (did/do)? Luke: Well, I would probably (buy/bought) a Laptop, it would (been/be) useful for the school. Isabel: Really? my friend Timmy is selling her Laptop half price. If I (were/be) you, I would (ask/asked) her. Luke: That's a great deal! I would definitely (get/got) it if I (had/have) the money. Isabel: I can lend you some money if you need it. Luke: That would (were/be) amazing Isabel! Thank you so much. Bloque​