Necesito crear un documento de podcast. Create a new document in Google Docs. Title your document: Podcasts

In your Google document:

Title your document: Podcasts

Insert a Header with your name and period.

Insert a Footer with today’s date.

Write two paragraphs on the topic: WHY SHOULD A BUSINESS CREATE AND USE PODCASTS?

Remember, a paragraph is at least five sentences!

Grammar and spelling counts!

Title a second (2) section of your document: Podcasts: Why use them?

Then find three (3) Podcasts on the internet and LISTEN to them! You can just search a favorite topic of yours in Google. (ie: Cooking Podcast).

Give the following information for each podcast.

What is the podcast about?

Who is the creator/author?

What is the site/location of the podcast?

How long was it?

What was the most interesting part of it?