Actividad: Underline the time expressions and write each verb in the correct tense. "The Wilsons' Holiday" Mr and Mrs Wilson always (go) _________ on holiday to the mountains They usually (prepare)_________ their bags, (leave)_________their dog with some friends and (get)___________ in the car very early in the morning. But some years ago, they (decide)________ to go to the beach. They (rent)__________a beautiful house by the sea. When they (arrive)_________ at the house, they (have)_________ a strange feling. They (feel)_________ very cold. "How strange!" thought Mrs Wilson, "It (be) _______ hot outside That night, they (not sleep)__________ it (be) ______________ still very cold. There were also very strange noises and lights coming and going all over the house. The next morning, (they leave) ______________ they house because they (be) ______________ very scared. Today, Mr and Mrs Wilson (get)____________ready to go on holiday again. Where are they going? They (not go)______________ to the beach, of course! They (go)_____________ to the mountains.​

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