please. III. Read the sentences and choose the best answer. 1. Global warming.... continue to get worse. a is going to b. will c. both are correct. 2. If you are hungry, I... make you a sandwich. a. am going to b. will c. both are correct. al present. 3. What ... wear for the party? ella. a. are you going to b. will c. both are correct 4. I think the Yankees..... beat the Sox. a. are going to b. will c. both are correct 5. Don't worry. I _. forget. a. am not going to b. won't c. both are correct. 6. One day, I.... be rich. c. am going to b will c both are correct. 7. We have dinner with the Smiths tomorrow. a. are going to b. will c. both are correct. 8. This invention.... change the world! a. is going to b. will c both are correct​

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