
Rellenar con la forma correcta de will or be going to + verb
The Future of the World’s Weather
Nobody can be sure what the weather 1______________________________ (be) like in the future, but many people think there 2______________________________ (be) some changes. Scientists say that in many places it 3______________________________ (be) hotter and it 4______________________________ (rain) less. Countries in Africa and Asia 5______________________________ (become) very dry all year, and it 6______________________________ (be) impossible for people to find food and water. In Southern Europe and the United States it 7______________________________ (be) more difficult for plants to grow. People also 8______________________________ (have) problems finding food in the future. Nobody knows exactly how much the temperature 9______________________________ (go) up, but scientists say that the change 10______________________________ (be) at least 2°C. They predict that the ice in the Arctic and the Antarctic 11______________________________ (melt) in the next hundred years and a lot of the animals there 12______________________________ (die). There is also 13______________________________ (be) more water in the oceans of the world so cities on the coast 14______________________________ (disappear). Another problem is that the weather 15______________________________ (become) more extreme. Scientists say that there 16______________________________ (be) more hurricanes and typhoons in the future. These storms 17______________________________ (happen) all over the world and many people 18______________________________ (lose) their home.