My sister. a. What b. Who c. Whose 5. is she? 2. is he? 3. is the 4. At the beach. car? Keith's. a. When b. What a. Why b. Who c. Where c. Whose is she? 6. In the bathroom. a. Where b. When c. What laughing? a. Where b. Why c. Whose is he is this? 7. does it 8. is A sharpener. rain? In autumn. that? A hat. a. Who b. What c. Whose a. Where b. What c. When a. What b. Who c. Whose 9. is the 10. does he 11. do 12. are doll? Tesa's. Пly? Tomorrow you cook? these? Mugs. a. Whose a. What a. Who a. What b.Who b. When b. Where b. When c. What c. Whose c. Whose c. Where​

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