1.-The fire
(already/reach) the roof by the time the firemen arrived.
2.-Joe Smith went to prison because he
(steal) a lot of money.
3.-Helen went to bed after she
(watch) her favourite TV programme.
4.-My father bought the new car after he
(try) it a few times.
5.-By the time Sonia got to the party, everyone
(begin) dancing.
(eat) all the ice cream before I opened the fridge.
7.- There was a lot of snow outside because it
(snow) earlier in that day.
8.-Beatriz didn't pass the test because she
(not study) at all.
9.-Look! Somebody
(leave) the windows open.
10.-By the time the police arrived, the burglar
(break)into my neighbour's house.
11.- The girl felt guilty because she
(drink) all the milk.
12.-Our flat was robbed because we
(not lock) the front door.
13.-My father couldn't find the money because he
(hide) it in a drawer.
14.-Leonard didn't have money for the bus because he
(forget) to ask his mother.
15.- My cousin
... (never/visit) a mine until his father took him one day.
16.-Her bicycle wasn't there because a friend
(take) it without asking her.
17.-Daniel was arrested after he
(escape) from prison.
18.-When Kathy met Jonathan, he
(join) the Navy.
19.- Before they arrived at the airport, they
(pay) the taxi driver.
20.-His dog
(die) two weeks ago. He was very sad.

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