Complete the email with the Simple Present ( que sigue igual) or Present Continuous (ING) form of the verbs in parentheses. To; Hi Jen, How are you? I'm staying (stay) with my uncle in Toronto this weekend because there's a big video games fair here. My uncle______(come) to this event every year. You _______(know) I _____ (love) games and I _____ (play) them every day at home, so this is a great place for me. At the moment,I _____ (sit) in a big hall with lots of other games fans. We______ (try) a new game - it’s awesome! The only problem is it’s a difficult game and I______(not do) very well! We're on a break at the moment. OK, I know you _______ (not like) video games because you _______ (think) They’re boring,but maybe you should try this one. What ______ (you/do) this weekend? Write and tell me. Paul.​

Complete the email with the Simple Present que sigue igual or Present Continuous ING form of the verbs in parentheses To Hi Jen How are you Im staying stay with class=

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