Tag Questions con modalles de posibilidad Can/May/Should/Could/Might /Must/ Would CAN'T SHE? SHOULD THEYTag =6 Questions MODALES 1-Bart can drive a truck 2- She can't cook a turkey 3-Clark and Claudia may visit their friends 4-The children may not watch television tonight 5-Simon should smile more often. 6-You could ask for a refund. 7-The data might be wrong 8-Helen must not start over again, 9-1 would provide you with the best product 10- Peter wouldn't notice the difference​

Tag Questions con modalles de posibilidad CanMayShouldCouldMight Must Would CANT SHE SHOULD THEYTag 6 Questions MODALES 1Bart can drive a truck 2 She cant cook class=

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