3 06 Complete the mini-conversations with the words below. Then listen and check.
feel headache hurts knee rash sore throat stomach temperature toothache
A: How can I help you?
B: I've got an earache to music!
2 A: My ....... really ........ .
B: Can you walk?
A: No, I can't.
3 A: It's 39.5 degrees.
B: Is that high, doctor?
A: Yes, it is! You've got a ........
4 A: Look - I've got a ........ all over my arms.
B: Oh, yes. That looks very red and sore.
5 A: Does it hurt when you talk?
B: Yes, I've got a terrible .......
6 A: How often do you brush your teeth?
B: Hardly ever.
A: That's why you've got ........
7 A: I've got a .........
B: Do you ...... all sick, too?
A: Yes, I do.
8 A: Have you got a ......... ?
B: Yes, it hurts right here behind my eyes.​

3 06 Complete the miniconversations with the words below Then listen and check feel headache hurts knee rash sore throat stomach temperature toothache A How can class=

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