SECTION IV. Sergio Pérez has an exciting and successful life, and the social media want to keep updated. Complete the post on Checo's life experiences using the verbs from the box. (7 points)
drive | live | do | win | have | be | love
Checo is very happy living in London, he says the UK is unique. He and his family (18) in different places such as Spain, Monaco, and the US, but there's no place to them like Jalisco, Mexico. They (19) (neg.) a home in Mid-West countries yet, though it may be possible in the future. He (20) always racing cars and becoming a professional racing driver makes in Formula One races since 2011. Nowadays, he's part of the him proud of himself. He (21) Austrian Red Bull Racing; it (22)| working on it. Even though Checo (23) hard for him and his team to achieve better results but they're (neg.) several Formula One Grand Prix competitions yet, it you seems he'll have a promising sports career. Now the question is: What (24) to make your dreams come true? MAKHAK
si no sabes inglés no contestes​

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