(NEVER, INTEND) to leave the country, but the situation (DECIDE) to go back to Austria. we We must wake her. She Sleeps How many customers9569/24 Some time ago Mr Pale Demonstrators When (SLEEP) for 15 hours. (SALLY, CALL) last week? (ASK) me to lend him some money. (BLOCK) the road for three hours. (YOU, SWITCH) on the light today? (HAVE) a shower. I could not answer the door because I ____ I an No, we (NOT BE) here before. At present they (HAVE) no jobs. Two men (TURN) round the bend. The driver (CHAT) in the middle of the road (BRAKE) in time. The grass (LOOK) awful. I'm sure you June. We ful time there. I. What (YOU KNOW) how long these trees (BE) here since 1961. What shall we do? - The people. _____ (YOU WANT) me to do at our next meeting? (GO) to the circus yesterday. We (LIKE) the clowns best. (BE) here? (YOLL NOT MEET) (GET) very impatient. Mr Temple yesterday? Why (SEE) him last Frida​