2 Read the instructions. The You'll need: • BO 4 glass jars (the same size) water • a spoon • red, blue, yellow and green food coloring 19. Place the jars in a row. Put some drops of food coloring into the jars. Fill the first jar with water almost to the top. Fill the second jar with a little less water, and continue with the other jars, each time with a little less water. Tap each jar lightly with the spoon. Check that each jar makes a different sound. Now, get creative and don't be shy! Compose your own songs following different color patterns. For example: red, red, blue, yellow, yellow, blue. Remember, we all have a rhythm of our own! F F F F 1 You will need a red spoon no. T 2 You will fill the jars to different levels. T 3 The jars will make different sounds. T 4 People won't be able to compose songs. T Color the squares to create a song. lo demás lo separe porque olvide mencionar que las T T T T Y F F F F HAY QUE ENCERARLAS DEGUN CORESPONDA Y ESTA EN FORMA VERTICAL Y NO HORIZONTAL COMO LA ESCRIBI AHORITA ALGUIEN ME PUEDE AYUDAR ES LA PREGUNTA 2 DE LA PÁGINA 72 DEL WORKBOOK 6 SI ALGUIEN ME PUEDE AYUDAR ​ en cada pregunta a lado hay una T y una F y hay que encerrar una