Exercise 4
Correct the sentences.
In this activity you are graded on punctuation and capitalization (lowercase and UPPERCASE).

Example: i think james isnt fun. I think James isn't fun.

1David isn't from Mexico, it's from Spain.
David isn't from Mexico, he's from Spain.
2Sarah are a teacher.
Respuesta incorrecta: not sara is estudentsnot sara is estudents
3He is a doctor?
Respuesta incorrecta: yes, at doctoryes, at doctor
4A: Is Pablo a pilot? B: No, he aren't.
Respuesta incorrecta: Yes ,is at pilotYes ,is at pilot
5Where Isabel is from?
Respuesta correcta: Where is Isabel from?Where is Isabel from?
6She aren't a farmer.
Respuesta correcta: She is not a farmer.She is not a farmer.
7A: Is Peter from the US? B: Yes, he are.
Respuesta incorrecta: Is Peter from the USAIs Peter from the USA
8It are a small hospital.
Respuesta incorrecta: Yes, he is.Yes, he is.

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