14. CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTION. Students in modern secondary schools in the UK. Sometimes feel that they have to/should complain about homework, but life isn't too bad. It is true that they can't/must study a lot, but 50 years ago schools were stricter. Students mustn't/weren't allowed to speak without permission and had to/needn't show teachers a lot of respect. Teachers and head teachers are able to/could use corporal punishment if students broke the rules. Also, in many boarding schools and private schools, senior students (older) need to/were allowed to hit junior students (younger). Juniors had to/must obey the seniors. The seniors could/must tell the juniors to clean their shoes or make their beds. This might/can't seem strange to teenagers today, but school authorities thought that juniors should/must learn how to serve. Fortunately, young people nowadays needn't/mustn't worry about that. 15 CHOOSE THE REST ANSWED ​