5) underline the time expressions and write each verb in the correct tense.

The wilsons' holiday

Mr and mrs wilson always (Go) a)_____________ on holiday to the mountains.
The usually (prepare) b)_____________ their bags, (leave) c)____________ their dog with some friends and (get) d)______________ in the car very early in the morning.

But some years ago, they (decide) e)______________ to go the beach. They (rent) f) _____________a beautiful house by the sea. When they (arrive) g) ___________ at the house, they (have) h)_____________ a stange feeling. They (feel) i) ____________ very cold. "How strange!" Thought mrs wilson, "it (be) j) ____________ hot outside." That night, they (not sleep) k) __________ it (be) l) _____________ still very cold. There were also very strange noises and lights coming and going all over the house. The next morning, (leave) m) ____________ the house because they (be) n) ________________ very scared.

Today, Mr and Mrs Wilson (get) o) ____________ ready to go on holiday again. Were are they going? They (not go) p) _____________ to the beach, of course! They (go) q) _____________ to the mountains.

La tarea consiste en subrayar las expresiones de tiempo y luego escribir cada verbo en el tiempo correcto.

5 underline the time expressions and write each verb in the correct tenseThe wilsons holidayMr and mrs wilson always Go a on holiday to the mountainsThe usually class=