Reading 10. Read the news report and put the verbs into the correct tense. Then match the paragraphs to the eadings. 9-YEAR-OLD INJURED IN HOUSE FIRE 1. Nine-year-old James Wilson was injured in a house fire in Manchester last Monday. 2. The fire (1).........(start) when James was at home with his brother, Tom, aged sixteen. James had found a box of matches and (2).........................(try) to light some candles when he set fire to the living-room curtains. The fire (3) (spread) quickly through the house. Tom Wilson (4) ...(hear) his brother's screams and rushed bravely through the flames to save him. They (5) ...........................(escape) through a downstairs window. A neighbour called the fire brigade while an ambulance (6) (take) the two boys to hospital. They suffered mild burns. 3. Since the accident, the fire brigade (7) ...............(start) a campaign warning parents to keep matches out of reach of children. Detailed description of the event​

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