during the lunch, my family and me were talking about our next vacations. Dad wants togo coveñas and my mom prefers cartagena, but my sister and me dont like beach, tomorrow, we ____ (11) have a new conversation about the topic, but dad ____ (12) be because he has an important meeting in his job. Now, we are in july, so, next vacations are far, but in december, we ____ (13) Have too much fun in our familiar trip. I hope that day comes,because this night my sister and me _____(14) buy some winter clothes because in the trip we ______ (15) have cold, especially at night.

11. A. wont B. will C. are going
12.A. is not going to B. are going to C. will
13.A. are will B. will C. are going to
14.A. will B. is going to C. are going to
15.A. is will B. wont C. are not going to