
3 Grammar Would like, prefer, rather Would you like to go out tonight? Yes, I would. No, I wouldn't. I'd prefer to stay home. Would you prefer to see an action movie or a sitcom? I'd prefer to see a sitcom. I'd like to see an action movie. Would you rather have pasta or a salad for dinner? I'd rather have pasta. I'd prefer to have a salad. Let's go to the movies. I'd rather not go to the movies. I'd rather not. I'd prefer not to go to the movies. I'd prefer not to. A Complete the conversations.

1. A: Would you like to watch a comedy?

B: Actually, I'd prefer to watch a drama (prefer/drama)

2. A: they B: Not really. They'd 3. A: you B: If it's OK with you, I'd
4. A: you
B: I'd basketball? (like / play) (rather/play soccer) to the park or stay home? (prefer/go) (prefer/stay home) a sitcom or a game show? (rather / watch) a horror movie tonight. (like/watch)​