
ent below? anis 3 Complete the sports in the sentences. Then write the letters to find out the answer to the trivia question below. 1. I like to go r ********* n 2. Duncan plays............ G along the beach. 1 Le ☐ a a.........well because he CA jumps high and can hit the ball hard. 3. People can go.............. 4. Many people enjoy..... a 5. Lisa plays... O the ball far. ........ in the ocean. ....... to music. ☐ 1 well. She can kick 6. In winter, people can go ☐ obd down a snowy hill. 7.............. teaches people to defend themselves. 8. You can go c☐ m. 9. You need a bike to go ☐ ... c g in the mountains. n..... 10. Everyone wants Mike in their b...... team because he is very tall. *****​