A. Underline the correct form of GOING TO in the sentences below.

1. When Nick goes to Spain, he going to stay / is going to stay with his uncle in Madrid.

2. I don’t think it will rain again, so I am not going to take / am not going take an umbrella.

3. What you going to cook / are you going to cook for your dinner party on Friday?

4. Tom has a lot of work to do, so he is going to be / is going to being home late.

5. My parents aren’t going to be / isn’t going to be happy when they find out that I failed the exam.

B. Match the sentence halves with their endings. Use the verb in brackets with GOING TO.

1. As soon as Matt leaves school, he …… a. ………………………………………………… any cake. (not have)

2. Mary doesn’t feel like walking, …… b. ……………………………………………………… for a job. (look)

3. Look at that grey cloud. I think …… c. kids ……………………………………………… him a cake. (make)

4. I’m not feeling very well today, so …… d. so she ……………………………………………… to work. (drive)

5. As it’s their father’s birthday, the …… e. that I ……………………………………………… late for work. (be)

6. I need something to wake me up, …… f. I …………………………………………………… to work. (not / go)

7. Alice is on a diet, so she …… g. it ………………………………………………………… (rain)

8. After I’ve folded these clothes, …… h. so I …………………………………………………… coffee. (have)

9. I had a huge breakfast, so …… i. I …………………………………………………… them away. (put)

10. I’m calling my boss to tell him …… j. I ……………………………………………… any lunch. (not / eat)

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