A Complete these conversations. Then compare with a partner. 1. A: If you. (have) three months to travel, where. You (fly) to Europe. I've always wanted to go there. (go)?

B: Oh, that's easy! I

2. A: If your doctor. (choose)? (tell) you to get more exercise, which sport you

B: I'm not sure, but I (go) jogging two or three times a week. 3. A: What by mistake? you (do) if your teacher (give) you an A

B: Of course I (say) something right away. 4. A: you yourself out? (break) into your house if you (lock)

B: If I (not have) another key, I (ask) a neighbor for help. 5. A: If your friend B: No, I (want) to marry someone you didn't trust, (say) something? (not say) anything. I you (mind) my own business. 6. A: What on the street? you (do) if you (see) your favorite movie star

B: I (not be) shy! I (ask) for a photo and an autograph