1. I like ....... food if this restaurant,
A) the B) an C) a

2. apple a day keeps the doctor away.
A) the B) an C) a

3. I think I need ......... glass of water.
A) the B) an C) a

4. She usually takes ......... orange to work with her food. .
A) the B) an C) a

5. Can I have ........... red wine you showed in the menu, please?
A) the B) an C) a

6. I guess you need .......... break. You look really tired.
A) the B) an C) a

7. I prefer ......... green apples.
A) the B) an C) a

8. Mother needs ......... onion to cook that piece of meat.
A) the B) an C) a

9. ........... chocolate cake is better than the apple cake.
A) the B) an C) a

10. My brother usually prefers ........... yogourt after dinner.
A) the B) an C) a​