Am, Is, Are # 2) Complete these sentences with Am, Is. Are a) It... very difficult to find a good place to play now. b) My best friend............ very kind and skillful. Yes, c) d) ol? ke you going to see the doctor tomorrow? you tired now? No, I .......... not, I want to hear more about your story. e) This ............... puppy ………………………...... following you. How cute he ........! f) Mr. Jersey ........ a fireman. His job........ to put out fires. g) My parents ............. going to celebrate their 20th wedding annivesary. h) There .......... five rooms in Hiroshi's house. i) No one in the class............ as tall as her. .............. you using a gel pen for this exercise? k) What ............ the student doing at the moment? 1) My brother ............ keen on reading detective stories. His favorite character............ Sherlock Holmes. m) I ......... hungry now............. there anything to eat?​