A. Write the rule. TYPE 0 (ZERO)
1. Zero conditional/type 0 if +
2. We use it to talk about
B. Fill in the gaps. Type 0
1. If you,
2. If people,
3. If she
4. People
5. Snakes
6. If babies,
(heat) water to 100 degrees, it
(eat) too much, they.
(touch) a fire, she
(die) if they
(not bite) if they
(be) hungry, they.
(get) fat.
(get )burned.
(not eat).
(be) scared.
C. Write the rule. TYPE 1 (first conditional)
1. First conditional/type 1 if
2. We use it to talk about
1. fit
2. If I
D. Fill in the gaps. Type 1
(rain), I
(study) today, my mother,
party tonight.
If he
(have) money, he,
4. She
5. She
6. If I
(be) late if the train
(miss) the bus if she,
(see) her, I
(not go) to the park.
(let) me go to the
(buy) some new shoes.
(hug) her.
(be) delayed.
(not leave) soon.

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