A: . A: Where are my keys? B: Why should I? B: How should I know? anger or irritation: Activity: Read the following sentences to give an appropriate piece of advice to each situation of health care, using should or shouldn't . go swimming today. 1. If Alice has earache, she Should 2. You Should go out if you have a bad cold. 3. Jill has a high fever. We Should take her to the doctor. Should always use sun cream. Should give up smoking. 4. When you go to the beach, you, 5. Mark is always coughing, he, 6. Your son 7. We eat so much fast food, he will put on a lot of weight. visit grandmother until the coronavirus is under control. 8. Jade has a broken leg, she 9. Bob fell off the ladder on his head, I think he 10. Da has a headache. He walk anywhere for weeks. have an X-ray taken. take an aspirin and rest for a while.​