A) Questions (up to minute 3:05).
1. What is the time when the story starts? A que
hara empieza
What type of shoes is the poor boy wearing? One tipo de zapatos cover
What is the boy trying to do with his shoes?
Why does he stare at the other boy? Porque se quede mirando pijatriate
How do you think the poor boy feels when he sees the black shoes that belong to the other boy?
6. What happens to the other boy's shoe? Que sucede
B) in pairs, the students write and predict the rest of the story, what happens next? (3-4 lines) Presente
C) Does the film have a message? What is the message of the film in your opinion? (2 lines)

A Questions up to minute 305 1 What is the time when the story starts A que 2 3 hara empieza What type of shoes is the poor boy wearing One tipo de zapatos cov class=

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