Exercises 16.1 You are asking Angela questions. Write the questions. Begin with Have you ever...? 1. (Montreal?) 2. (play/golf?) 3. (Australia?) 4. (lose / your passport?) 5. (fly/in a helicopter?) 6. (eat/Chinese food?) 7. (London?) 8. (drive/ a bus?) YOU Have you er been to Montreal Have you ever played golf? Have No, never. ANGELA Yes, many times. ? No, never. Yes, once. No, never. Yes, a few times. Yes, twice. No, never 16.2 Look at Angela's answers in Exercise 16.1. Write sentences about Angela. 1. (London) Angela has been to London.heice 2. (Australia) She 3. (Chinese food) 4. (drive/a bus). Now write about yourself. How many times have you done these things? 5. (London) 1 6. (play/tennis). 7. (fly / in a helicopter). 16.3 Mary is 85 years old. She has had an interesting life. What has she done? MARY all over the world be meet do travel have write a lot of interesting people a lot of interesting things many different jobs married three times ten books 1. She has had many different jobs 2. She 3. 4. 5. 6. 16.4 Put the verbs in the present perfect. 1. I've seen 2. "Have you ever played (you / ever / play) golf?" "Yes, I play golf a lot." (you / ever / write) a poem?" "Yes, in high school." 3. " "No, 4. "Does Emma know Sam?" 5. Ann and Eli have lots of books, and 6. (1/see) that woman before, but I can't remember where. (she/never/meet) him." (they/read) all of them. (1/never/be) to Australia, but (she/see) it (I/never/see) it. (my brother/be) there twice. 7. Joy's favorite film is Howard and Belinda. five times, but 8. take a trip by boat. (1/travel) by plane, bus, and train. Someday, I want to UNIT 16 32​

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