Activity 1: Complete the following sentences using the correct forms of Would Like. It can be affirmative, (would like), negative (would not/ wouldn't like) or interrogative (Would ... like) Example: We would like to play (play) soccer this weekend. 1. I 2. Sandra (stay) home during summer. (adopt) a new pet. 3. Charles 4. We (eat) pork. He is a vegetarian. (finish) our homework. 5. Paul (listen) to the new song. 6. Irma 7. No, I 8. No, they (watch) the movie. She doesn't like horror films. (go) out, it's raining. (buy) a new TV? 9. you (travel) to Oaxaca? Yes, 10. you (order) a pizza? I would like to eat a salad.​