RESPONDA LAS PREGUNTAS 79 A 88 DE ACUERDO CON EL SIGUIENTE TEXTO. Lea el artículo y seleccione la palabra adecuada paro cada espacio. En las preguntas 79 - 88, marque la letra correcta A, B, Co D en su hoja de respuestas. The astronaut artist Scott Kelly, officer of the International Space Station has (0) astronaut that NASA has (79) become the US stay for the longest period in space. Up there, he said that his hobby was taking photographs of the (80) planet underneath Kelly calls his pictures "Earth art". These phonographs have shown us what to (81) next in terms of technology. Kelly is not (82) a man with a camera orbiting Earth - he is (83) an artist. It's the human mind (84) work that makes art unique. Although there are robots near other planets these been called pieces of art Robots cannot (86) capturing images, their photographs (85). kinds of poetic pictures; (87) These works have (88) we can say they have taken some interesting photographs. that automatically operated space research is not enough, it should be done by humans.

Ejemplo: 0. A. recently B. previously C. freshly D. hopefully
79. A. make B. makes C. made D. making
80. A. lively B. incredible C. accurate D.challenging
81. A. wonder B. affect C. contain D. expect
82. A. nearby B. absolutely C. just D. straight 83. A. definitely B. generally C. slowly D. directly
84. A. on B. for C. in D. at
85. A. didn't B. haven't C. don't D. hasn't
86. A. achieve B. affect C. reach D. perform 87. A. otherwise B. whenever C. either D. however
88. A. tested B. convinced C. proved D. persuaded​

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