1. She's married and she has three ________

A. Child

B. Children

C. Childs

2. She is usually in bed by _________ (11.30).

A. Half past eleven

B. Thirty past eleven

C. Eleven past thirty

3. ______ to concerts?

A. Does sally go.

B. Do sally goes.

C. Do sally go.

4. We always have snow ________ January.

A. On

B. In

C. At

5. There isn't _________ sugar in this coffee!

A. No

B. Any

C. Some

6. ______ to a concert this evening. The concert ______ at 7.30.

A. I’m going – starts.

B. I go – Starts.

C. I’m going – is starting.

7. _________any eggs for breakfast this morning

A. There were.

B. There was.

C. There weren’t.

8. How long _________ her?

A. Have you known.

B. Do you know.

C. You have known.

9. How old _________?

A. Are you.

B. You are.

C. Is you.

10. one hundred and ninety-four

A. 119

B. 94

C. 194

11. Forty-seven

A. 17

B. 47

C. 27

12. Do you want a cup of coffee?

A. Yes, I do.

B. Yes, I am.

C. No, I haven’t.

13. Had he read the book?

A. Yes, he had.

B. Yes, I did.

C. No, I was.

14. Hello, Martin. How are you?

A. I’m Mary’s brother.

B. I’m going home.

C. I’m not very well.

D. I don’t know.

15. What do you do?

A. I´m a dentist

B. I play tennis on Saturday’s.

C. I’m learning English.

D. I don’t know.

16. Where do you come from?

A. Work

B. Dublin

C. Home

D. I don’t know.

17. When can we meet again?

A. It was two days ago.

B. When are you free?

C. Can you help me?

D. I don’t know.