
Think of a character from TV, a film, a book
or a comic. Copy and complete the chart
about the character. Then write a description.
Use the model to help you.
Paragraph 1: abilities and personality
Paragraph 2: life events
Paragraph 3: opinion of character

Respuesta :

Character: Hermione Granger

Abilities and Personality:

- Highly intelligent and academically gifted

- Skilled in magic and spellcasting

- Resourceful and quick-thinking

- Strong-willed and determined

- Known for her extensive knowledge and love for books

- Loyal and fiercely protective of her friends

Life Events:

- Born to Muggle (non-magical) parents but discovered her magical abilities at a young age

- Attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

- Became best friends with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley

- Played a crucial role in the fight against Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters

- Co-founded Dumbledore's Army, a secret group to practice Defense Against the Dark Arts

- Graduated from Hogwarts and went on to work for the Ministry of Magic

Opinion of Character:

Hermione Granger is a beloved character who is admired for her intelligence, bravery, and unwavering loyalty. She is an inspiration to many, especially young readers, as she demonstrates the power of knowledge and the importance of standing up for what is right. Hermione's determination and problem-solving skills make her an invaluable asset to her friends and the wizarding world as a whole. Her character development throughout the Harry Potter series showcases her growth from a bookish know-it-all to a strong and compassionate leader. Overall, Hermione Granger is a remarkable character who continues to captivate audiences with her wit, courage, and unwavering dedication to fighting for justice.