Complete the conversations. Use a pronoun and will or
won't. Use contractions when possible.
Andy: Will you come to the show with us?
Barb: No, 1)_________. I wanted to go, but I need to work.
Andy: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Will you meet up with us later?
Barb: Yes, 2)_______meet you for dinner after the show.
Erin: I'm going to get some lunch. Do you want to come with me?
Kelly: Sure. 3)________go with you. Should we invite Dennis?
Erin: That's a good idea, send him an email.
Matt Where are you going? We need to leave in five minutes.
Kevin: 4)______ be back in two minutes. I forgot my phone at my desk
Toby: Will Alisa be here today?
Joss: No, 5)_______come I just talked to her she's too busy
when_____see her?we need to Talk to her