The Present Perfect can be used to describe recently finished actions - these put emphasis on the action and usually have a result in the present.
Complete the sentences with has/have + past participle and match them with the pictures. Follow the example.
1. I have forgotten (forget to put on my trousers and now I feel so embarrassed.
2. I'm in so much pain. I myself real bad this time.
(do) all the laundry and
3. She can now watch TV.
(drink) too
4. I feel so agitated. 1 much coffee, I think.
5. What? Who
(send) me this horrible
e-mail? I'm so mad right now.
6. It seems he (lose) his hand luggage
and now he has nothing to wear.
7. I (eat) too much and now I don't
feel so well.
8. Come on, once you medicine you will feel much better.
(take) your
9. Jesus! She (galn) some weight.
She really needs to go on a diet.
10. Well, I
(read) all the news. Now,
go to sleep please!
(spend) a lot of money
11. My wife
on useless things. And now I have to Carry everything home.
12. I see that I I didn't notice this was an express lane.
(buy) way too much.
13. I'm so tired now, but I the entire house.
14. Someone
(break) this vase of
flowers. The floor is all wet now.
(Catch) the
15. The police officer thief. He will be arrested now.
(steal) my laptop. Now
16. Someone
I need to buy a new one.
17. I (put) too much stuff in here and now I can't close the door.
(win) my first competition.
18. Hurray, I I feel so excited.
(write) me a letter.
19. My boyfriend I'm so in love with him.
20. I
(pass) my exam with excellence.
My parents will be very proud.

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