Choose the Present Simple or the Present Continuous it could be positive or question 1. Excuse me. You on my foot. (to stand) 2. "Where is Lilly?" "She TV in her room." (to watch) 3. Students exams twice a year. (to pass) 4. "Where you ?" (to go) "I to the cinema with my friends." (to go) "How often you to the cinema?" (to go) "Once or twice a month." 5." your brother in the hospital?" (to work) "Yes, he is a doctor." 6. it outside?" (to rain) "No, but the strong wind (to blow) it often here?" (to rain) "Usually, not more than twice a month." 7. Listen! The baby (to cry) 8. On Saturdays, my family for a picnic. (to gather) 9. "Who is in the library now?" "My classmates for the history test there." (to prepare) "They often for the history test in the library." (to prepare) 10. Emma's father English in our schools. (to teach) 11. I John tonight. (to meet) 12. "What you ?" (to do) "We a surprise for our mother." (to make) 13. What time you ? (to get up) 14. Don't make noise. Daddy in the bedroom. (to sleep) 15. Lucas a shower now. (to take)