1. She needs to …………………………………… (car/ repair).
2. I'm going …………………………………… at the new hairdresser's (hair/cut).
3. I really must …………………………………… (the central heating/fix).
4. They ought …………………………………… (the broken windows/ replace).
5. I …………………………………… before I dropped it (phone repair).
6. He …………………………………… to his home address yesterday (tickets send).
7. I ……………………………………if I could afford it (the house redecorate).
8. He …………………………………… onto the train by a porter (bags load).
9. I . …………………………………… a fortnight ago (car/service).
10. She ……………………………………….. (dogs / vaccinate) next Tuesday
¿Cómo hacer estas frases a pasiva causativa?