Complete the story with the adjectives created above. Taking care of the environment Miguel was a knowledgeable young student who cared deeply about the environment. He knew that living sustainably and reducing waste was crucial for having a _____________ planet in the future.
At home, Miguel's family made an effort to use _____________ shopping bags, water bottles, and food containers instead of _____________ ones. They also had a compost bin in the backyard for _____________ food scraps instead of throwing them in the trash. For _____________ batteries, they chose _____________ options like solar-powered chargers.
In the classroom, Miguel encouraged his classmates to be conscious of waste. He advocated for ____________ materials like aluminum cans and glass bottles to be properly recycled. The school also started a little garden where students could learn to cultivate fruits and vegetables in an _____________ way.
On weekends, Miguel volunteered at the local park, helping to keep the natural spaces clean and _____________ for wildlife habitats. He picked up any litter and made sure no pollutants entered the creeks where fish lived and amphibians required _____________ water sources.
Miguel's parents were very proud of his passion for environmental causes. They admired his _____________ knowledge and _____________ commitment to making more _____________ choices, even with small daily actions. Reducing waste and consumption were not always the easiest options, but were certainly _____________ harms.
As Miguel grew older, he became even more appreciative of the natural world around him. He continued adapting his lifestyle to be as _____________ as possible. His deep concern for conserving a _____________ environment inspired many others to see the world a little bit differently too.

2. recycle: recyclable.
3. recharge: rechargeable.
4. renew: renewable.
5. reuse: reusable .
6. environment: environment – friendly.
7. eco: eco – friendly.
8. sustain: sustainable.
9. conserve: conservable.
10. biodegrade: biodegradable.
11. habit (x2): habitable.
12. desire: desirable.
13. drink: drinkable.
14. dispose: disposable.
15. avoid: avoidable.
16. knowledge: knowledgeable.