1. Complete the conversation with the verbs. Put them in the present simple.

Sarah: (1) (you/like) your school?

Dan: Yes, it's OK. We (2) (do) a lot of sport.

Sarah: (3) What (you / play)?

Dan: Football, and sometimes basketball. I usually (4) lunchtime with Tom and Jason. (play) football at

Sarah: Are they in your class?

Dan: Yes, but we (5) (not/work) in the same groups for science and maths. Tom is in a different science group and Jason (6) (not/study)

maths with Tom and me. He's in a special group because he's very good at maths.

Sarah: Is Tom very good at science?

Dan: No, he isn't! He (7) (not/like) science. He

(8) (like) literature. Jason and I (9) him with his science homework sometimes. (help)

Sarah: (10) (Tom/help) you with your homework?

Dan: Yes, sometimes. I'm not good at literature or languages.