
Task 1. Listening.
A. Instructions: What works for you when taking a test? Review the vocabulary match t
synonyms: Unlucky, noisy, unimportant, untidy, bad, never / good, lucky, always, quit,
clear, important.
B. Instructions: Listen to the teacher giving students advice for exams. Choose the correct
option to complete the sentences.
1. The teacher wants the students to...
a) take notes after she has finished
b) take notes while she is speaking.
c) forget about taking notes.
2. The teacher suggests eating...
a) sugary snacks.
b) only apples.
c) fruit and cereals.
3. The teacher suggests finding a study
place with a lot of ...
a) light.
b) space.
c) books.
4. If students feel stressed, they should
a) go to bed.
b) go out for a walk.
c) drink some water.
5. Students are advised to ...
a) select the important things to learn.
b) read through everything once.
c) make notes about every topic.
6. The teacher understands that
repeating things can be...
a) difficult.
b) uninteresting.
c) tiring.
7. Students can do past exam papers...
a) in the library only.
b) at home if they take photocopies.
c) in the after-school study group.
8. The teacher recommends a break o
five minutes every ...
a) hour.
b) two hours.
c) thirty minutes.
9. It's important to ...
a) eat regularly.
b) sleep when you feel tired.
c) keep hydrated.
10. The teacher is sure that the student
a) pass their exams.
b) fail their exams.
c) do their best

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