Prepositions on, in, at
1. We will be visiting my cousins ___ Friday.
2. We eat hot cross buns ___ Easter.
3. My twins were born. ___ 1982.
4. I listened to the weather forecast ___ the radio.
5. I used to live ___ Pinetown.
6. She stayed ___ home today because she was sick.
7. We live ___ Oxford Street.
8. My husband is waiting for me ___ the car.
9 I studied to be a teacher ___ the Edgewood College of Education.
10. We are going to London, ____ Christmas.
11. My birthday is ___ June.
12. I go to bed ___ 10 o'clock every night.
13. We will be having a holiday ___ 3 months' time.
14. I left my wallet ____ the train.
15. World War 2 started ____ 1939.
16. We drink tea ____ the afternoon.
17. The flowers are ____ the table.
18. The children are all standing ___ a row.
19. The Beatles performed their last concert ___ the rooftop.
20. He is working ___ his laptop.
21. They are swimming ___ the river.
22. She is riding ____ the black horse.
23. They saw the news ___ the TV.
24. She sits ____ the back of the class.
25. The Titanic lies ____ the bottom of the ocean.​