
Grade and group: 4-A31 Date: Jueves 23/05/24 Total score:
1 Listen to Simon talking to his mother about life without money. For questions (1-5).
decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). An example (0) has been done
for you.
0 Miles Burke's friends lent him money during the experiment.
Skills Test 7-9 Audio 2
Miles Burke spent $360 on a place to live.
2 There was no electricity in Miles Burke's home.
3 Simon's mother wouldn't like to bathe in a river.
4 Simon's mother has to take the bus to work.
5 Simon decides he couldn't live without money.
Select the correct word(s) in italics in each sentence. An example (0) has been done for you.
0 If I had/have a little more money, I'd travel the world.
1 What would you do/doing if you needed to use your phone and you had no battery?
2 I wouldn't be able to work if/when I didn't have a car.
3 She'd go to Vietnam if she has/had the chance.
4 Nobody will/would notice if you didn't go to the meeting.
5 He might be/is able to come if he can find his key.
3 Complete the sentences with one word. An example (0) has been done for you.
0 His father is a dentist who works in Rhodes.
1 If the grocery store
open, we could go there now.
Shopping in Paris is more expensive
in Madrid.
3 He knows a lot
4 The city
5 I'd like to see him
he grew up has changed a lot.
he came to the US.
Score: 15
Score: 15