For hundreds of years in the historical period
fittings were not considered a part of the design,
but luxury, while it is a very important part of it.
Important functions of clothing were to cover and
to protect from weather. That's all! Women had
the responsibility of making clothes. After cloth
making expanded and professional tailors came.
So, back then only high-status people can afford
personal or family dressmakers or professional
tailors to make their own, desired fitting clothes.
But the rest of the citizens made their clothes.
Development of Patterns
The first creation of patterns in clothes appeared
in Spain. Juaan de Alcega's Libro de Geometric
Practica y Traca in 1589, and La Rocha Burguen's
Geometrica y Traca in 1618. These books describe
how to make garments for men, women, priests,
and knights. In the 18th-century "How-To" book
was published for home-dressmaker which means
for middle and lower casts people. This time, in the
books and other journals and magazines,
diagrams, patterns, and shapes started to appear.
For example, Instructions for Cutting Out Apparel
for the Poor (1789) and The Lady's Economical
Assistant (1808) printed full-sized patterns. In the
Workman's Guide (1838), there were not just
patterns but also drafting instructions and detailed
drawings of final garments.
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